5 Ways Web Hosting Company Can Help Your Business Grow

Published October 9, 2023
Author: Ash Khan

5 Ways Web Hosting Company Can Help Your Business Grow

Published October 9, 2023
Author: Ash Khan

A Web Hosting Company is most typically used to host a website, storing all of the files required for the site and providing them to visitors. What may surprise you is that you can accomplish a lot more with this sort of hosting service.

In many respects, a web hosting account functions similarly to a cloud infrastructure service, providing you with several exciting alternatives. Read on to learn about some of the most essential ways your company may profit from your current web hosting platform or from signing up for a new web hosting provider right now.

1. You can run a reseller hosting business

Because most small company websites receive little traffic, most firms only use a fraction of the system resources they pay for. If you want to keep your hosting prices the same but develop a new cash stream, you should look into reseller hosting services.

This hosting model comprises purchasing a hosting provider and then reselling access to that service to other individuals or corporations. These hosting accounts offer all of the tools you need to provide hosting services under your own brand, as well as billing software.

While any company should consider adding this type of revenue stream to their portfolio, it is particularly ideally suited to any company that provides digital or technology-related services.

2. You can use the hosting server as cloud storage

The majority of web hosting company provide a significant or infinite quantity of disk space. If you have a large amount of disk space on your hosting account, you may use it as cloud storage.

You can upload essential files to your hosting account, where they will be kept until needed. Make sure they’re backed up as part of your website for enhanced security. In addition to keeping your data safe, using your hosting in this manner allows you to access your files more easily when you need them. You may view these files from anywhere with an internet connection since your hosting account is available over the web.

3. You can run a game server hosting business

Did you know that if you enjoy playing online games, you can convert it into a business? Many popular games allow you to set up a private server where gamers from all around the world may join and play together. You may charge a fee to access this server, generating additional revenue for your business.

If you do not wish to sell this service, you may still set up a private gaming server for yourself and your workers. For teams that enjoy gaming, setting up a server like this and allowing access to it may be a huge benefit to working for your company.

4. You can build satellite pages to boost your SEO

Your business website will only assist your firm if people visit it. Most of the time, this involves attempting to get your page to appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) through search engine optimization (SEO). Link building — establishing backlinks from one page to your main site — is one of the most successful SEO tactics.

Because basic website hosting is so affordable, it frequently makes sense to develop satellite websites that focus on very particular areas and connect back to your main company page.

How this works

For example, if you manage an auto repair shop in your area, your main page may include all of your contact information as well as the services you offer. Then, for each service — such as transmission flushes, oil changes, and brake services — develop a separate page that describes what those jobs require. Link to your home page or the “contact us” page from those sites.

5. You can run private cloud-hosted apps

In the past, most software that ran on a computer had to be fully installed locally on that system. Cloud-based apps, on the other hand, may be setup and utilized from any device with an internet connection. These apps may often be installed on a web server and accessible using a web browser.

Keep in mind that if you host an app and access it via your main URL, anyone who discovers that URL gets access. To keep your systems safe and confidential, consider adding security to the app. A basic username and password requirement will sufficient in most circumstances.

Web Hosting Company

Types of Web Hosting To Consider

  • Shared hosting
  • Cloud hosting
  • Virtual private server (VPS) hosting
  • Dedicated server hosting

Make sure you have the best web hosting available if you want to get to the Top. This begins with locating a reputable hosting business and continues with selecting the appropriate sort of hosting for your requirements. The following are the most common alternatives, as well as when they should be used:

Shared hosting

Shared hosting occurs when many clients of a hosting company share the resources of a single server. While the files are kept separate, They share system resources suggests that issues on one site may impact operation. This is an excellent choice for entry-level sites that will not receive a lot of traffic.

Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting is similar to shared hosting in that clients share the resources of numerous servers that are configured as one. The hosting business may modify resources on the fly to reduce performance difficulties, which is a significant improvement over shared hosting.

Virtual private server (VPS) hosting

VPS hosting is when few clients share server but each has exclusive access to defined amount of resources. Problems on one site cannot affect the operation of other sites on the same physical server. This level of hosting is ideal for medium-sized sites that receive a lot of traffic.

Dedicated server hosting

Dedicated servers are exactly what their name implies. A single consumer has total access to a server. This is usually reserved for larger websites or those that demand total control over the server’s setup.

Web Hosting Company


Discover how IT Company can help your business profit from Web Hosting Company. We provide a variety of alternatives to improve your online presence, including reseller hosting, encrypted cloud storage, gaming server hosting, and SEO-boosting satellite pages. Contact us today to learn more about our hosting services and how we can help you grow your business!

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